Privacy Policy

Last update : November 25, 2022


I. Principle and conditions

The company Hexvetica attaches great importance to the protection and respect of the privacy of the users of its website and its customers. This statement sets out our privacy policy, in other words the processing of personal data collected through our website or online services, or more generally, in the context of the services we provide to our users.

We collect and process your personal data with the greatest care and in compliance with the various applicable legal provisions and their processing is limited to what is strictly necessary and occurs for the sole purposes described in this privacy policy. We use external hosts who make every effort to protect their databases from external intrusions, losses, misuse and falsification.

Please take the time to read this privacy policy carefully. If you have any questions about this policy, please submit your request via our contact area on the “About” page of our website. We reserve the right to change this privacy policy from time to time, which will be indicated by a change of date at the top of this page.

II. Acceptance of this Privacy Policy

By accessing and using our Services, you signify your acceptance of the terms of this privacy policy. If you disagree or are uncomfortable with any aspect of this privacy policy, please discontinue access to this website immediately.

III. Definition of personal information

Personal information is generally data that identifies an individual or relates to an identifiable individual. This includes information that you provide to us, information that is automatically collected about you, and information that we obtain from third parties. The definition of personal information depends on the applicable law depending on your geographical location. Only the definition that applies to your current location will apply to you under this Privacy Policy.

IV. The personal information we collect

The only personal information about our users collected by our website is that provided through Google Analytics and Google Search Console. These are third-party web analytics services operated by Google LLC based in the United States. The processing of your personal data by the provider of these services is therefore their responsibility in accordance with their privacy policy, available at :